In this episode, we call up YWAM Legend David Hamilton to discuss: DID GOD CAUSE THIS PANDEMIC??
Find insights from a Biblical scholar and one who loves the Bible and has years of experience studying the bible and living out its lessons, David Hamilton. His current title is VP for Strategic Innovations with the University of the Nations.
Key takeaways
David feels like this time is a time of preparation for harvest.
James and John at the time of their calling were mending their nets. It wasn’t fishing time but a time of preparation for a big catch.
This season is in preparation for the great thing that God is going to do.
Dan Shannon reminds us in Acts where scattering by persecution spreads the Gospel.
Hardship prepares us for Harvest.
Isaiah 53 shows us the brutal sacrifice of Jesus brought about the great harvest of God.
A biblical Christian framework is distinct from every other religious framework
Most every religion on earth is fatalistic. Everything that happens on earth is caused by God.
Muslims say, “Inshallah” ie it’s God’s will. Buddhism and Hinduism have similar concepts.
The Bible creates a world that is in cosmic conflict with beings in opposition to God and others who want to obey God.
God in his amazing creative capacity is working to influence our wills, choices, actions, so we would voluntarily do that which is best for us and Love Him and Love our neighbor (fellow man/woman).
God is never the source of death and disease. All his acts are just and his every activity is clothes in mercy and compassion. He is the god of Love.
There is no deceptive disguised motivation with God.
The wonderful story of the bible is that even in our broken world, God is always EMMANUEL – God with us. He is stepping into our history. We can meet God in this crisis.
David Hamilton
He is not the cause of the covid-19 but he can use it to further his cause.
Follow Question: What about the Plagues in the old testament? Didn’t God cause it then, why wouldn’t he now.
Times of Crisis are great moments to refocus on who God is. When we say that God is love some of the atributes of love is just and merciful. A loving person is always just and merciful.
Love sometimes requires the implementation of justice and other times the implementation of mercy.
Justice and mercy can not be implemented at the same time. A judge can not send someone to jail but also set him free.
God tells us in his Word that he will never be less than just, but he always prefers to show mercy.
He is always looking to give us better than we deserve!
Challenge: go through the bible with 2 markers. One for when you see Justice and one when you see Mercy. You will see it is one of the main red threads throughout scripture and the cross is where they both come together powerfully.
Dan clarifying: If God was judging in the Old Testament, God doesn’t leave them guessing—Anytime it happened in the OT, people knew right?
If you just experienced pain and you are not explained why that pain happened, it is abuse. If a parent says hey I told you not to do this over and over but you did it and gives them a light tap on their backside…that child might burst into tears, not because of the physical pain but because of broken relationship. But there is understanding why it happened.
I will never act in justice and not speak through the prophets. There was this communications over and over.
The 2nd commandment (Exodus 20:5-6) justice vs mercy:
Justice/judgement = 3-4 generations
Mercy = 1000’s of generations
God is 500 times more desirous of mercy than justice.
Dan: We all need to wear lenses that say “God is Good!” and look through those lenses.